
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pride and Prejudice

A Novel by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is one of my all-time favorite books.  The copy I own is quite new, as it pictures Kiera Knightley on the cover.  I actually didn’t fall for this book until after watching the movie in which she plays Elizabeth Bennett.  When I was in my teens, I tried reading Jane Austen, but for some reason, just couldn’t get in to her.  After enjoying the Pride and Prejudice movie when it came out in 2005, I decided to give her a second chance, and I’m so glad I did!

The book was written over 200 years ago, which shows in the customs depicted.  Fortunately, today’s women have choices and opportunities that would be unthinkable in Jane Austen’s time.  Despite the culture change, so much about Pride and Prejudice is valid today, and lessons can still be learned from the relationships in the story.
One lesson I take from this book is to realize that another person cannot be expected to guess what I am feeling.  The relationship between Jane Bennett and Mr. Bingley almost never happened because neither of them spoke up about their feelings for each other.  One can never assume that their feelings are understood unless they make an attempt to voice them. 
But the main lesson I take from it now is don’t judge too quickly – allow for a second chance.  If I had stuck with my original feelings of Austen’s writing and not given this book a second chance, I would have missed out on one of my favorite books!

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