
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Early Bible Heroes

Bible “Foldorama”
A Warner Press Product

I found this little gem in a unique shop in Champaign called The Idea Store.  My nickname for it is the Garbage Store, because a lot of what you’d find there many people would consider trash.  One person’s trash is another’s treasure, though.  I’ve found materials there for children’s art projects.  My daughter found vintage fabric for a dress.  During my most recent visit, I picked up this tiny booklet that was floating around in a bin of old greeting cards and calendars.

Early Bible Heroes gives summaries of the lives of historical figures from the Old Testament in a very short rhyming verse.
“Joseph’s brothers sold him into Egypt land where he became a ruler just as God had planned.”

“Ruth spoke to her mother-in law, ‘Wherever you go I will trod, your people shall be my people too, and your God shall be my God”

“The Israelites were ready, and at the Lord’s command Moses bravely led the host out of Egypt land.”

They certainly are catchy little verses, and for a child could be an easy way to learn the basics about the Old Testament figures.  But what struck me was how easily a person’s life was cut down to one little verse.  In my opinion, the meaning of a life lies not necessarily in the big accomplishments, but in how a person deals with the mundane happenings of everyday life.  What were these heroic people really like?  Did they carry out their callings with grumbling and griping, or were they good-hearted and hospitable?  Did they leave the housework for the rest of their families, or would they willingly take on the drudgery?  A singular event or action may have made these people heroes, but what I really want to know is if they took the time to laugh and play and bring joy to those around them.  To me, that is the ultimate measure of a life.

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