
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Practical Instruction for Paper Hanging

Ewing and Harris 1946 

This book belonged to my father-in-law. 

I never knew him to read anything but the newspaper or religious devotional books.  I spent many a summer morning at his home in Northern Wisconsin, looking out at the lake, waiting for the fog to lift and talking about the weather while passing sections of the local paper back and forth.  Like me, he was an early riser.  Occasionally I would hear a little disgusted grunt coming from his chair if he would read about some piece of news that particularly irked him.  We didn’t discuss politics – we would have disagreed.  

Since his life on earth ended this past week, I’ve reflected on what I learned from him over the past 30 years.  He was never one to talk much.  He didn’t share words of wisdom or a list of principles to live by.  

This book here is an example of what comes to mind when I think about his life.  He was born in 1931 and never finished high school.  Instead, he learned a trade, and he learned it well.  Then he worked hard - really hard – all his working years – for his family.  No whining, no complaints.  It’s just what he did.  I know his children appreciate what he did for them.  And I am grateful too, for he passed that value along to his son!

I am also grateful that he was able to spend quite a few years in retirement at his home on the St. Croix Flowage.  He certainly deserved the rest.  And when I think of him, those are the moments I remember the most.  Those early mornings, watching the fog clear from the lake.  We didn’t talk much – but that’s okay.  Sometimes actions speak louder than words. 

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